Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Embracing Uncertainty

"If you’re feeling frightened about what comes next,
don’t be.
Embrace the uncertainty.
Allow it to lead you places.
Be brave as it challenges you to exercise both your heart
and your mind as you create your own path toward happiness;
don’t waste time with regret.
Spin wildly into your next action.
Enjoy the present,
each moment,
as it comes,
because you’ll never get another one quite like it.
And if you should ever look up and find yourself lost,
simply take a breath and start over.
Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart...
where your hope lives.
You’ll find your way again."

For the past six weeks or so, I've been struggling because I can't stop thinking about the future. I don't like the uncertainty. I don't like the fact that my future is about to change drastically. The amount of regret I feel is so overwhelming at times that it distracts me from living in the moment. Simply writing and thinking about this is causing extreme amounts of anxiety. I can feel my shoulders tensing and my mind racing.

This is the moment, when the anxiety begins, that I need to learn to step back and breathe. I need to think about the quote above. Rather than allowing the uncertainty to consume my thoughts, I can use it to fuel my next move. Yes, I have made some mistakes in the past but that doesn't mean I can't redirect my future. The uncertainty provides me with an opportunity to be brave and take each challenge as it comes.

I'm not a bad person. In fact, sometimes I think I'm a really good person... Who makes mistakes. Unfortunately, I have been dealt different cards than most but that doesn't need to ruin my entire life. We all go through life at different speeds, and that's okay.

So for today my only goal is to remain present in the moment. I can't control the future, but I can embrace the uncertainty to fuel my next move rather than allowing it to cripple me.



  1. Oh my dear, you are so very much a GOOD person. A worthwhile, wonderful, thoughtful, brave being. A *human* being - so imperfection and stumbling along is simply part of the package. Acceptance and growth doesn't mean we have to like the cards we have been dealt, but that we acknowledge those cards and decide how to play the hand from here on out. That's a terrible metaphor but I'm sure you get the point :)

    Hugs to you in this time of uncertainty. One day you will look back and see how these challenges move you to where you need to be.

    1. Your comment made me very emotional because my sick, insecure mind has told me I'm a horrible person so many times. Your words are kind and loving, which is just what I need right now. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart. <3
